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Signs It’s Time to Consider Home Health Care

More and more seniors are foregoing moving in their children or a nursing home and instead choosing to live independently in their own home. While they may want to live independently, their overall health and well-being is the most important thing to consider when it comes to the need for additional help. If your senior loved one lives alone, it’s important to be aware of the signs that indicate they may need assistance through home health caregivers. Here are a few of the signs you should be aware of.

Home is in Disarray

If during your most recent visit, you noticed that your elderly loved one’s home was “messier” than usual, was there a sink full of dirty dishes, was there clutter on the floors or does it appear as though the house hasn’t been dusted in a while? There may be a number of reasons why your elderly loved one has been neglecting their household chores, including they aren’t physically able to do the work, they may be taking new medications that interfere with energy or they may be forgetting to do certain things. The good news is that home health caregivers will help your loved one with their chores, which allows them to remain in their home living independently.

Decline in Personal Hygiene

Does it seem as though your senior loved one has been wearing the same clothing and the clothing they are wearing doesn’t appear to have been washed in a while? One of the most common signs that your senior loved one may need assistance is decline in their personal hygiene. Along with wearing the same clothing, you may notice that they haven’t showered in a while, they no longer brush their hair like they used to or their oral hygiene is poor. These may be signs of an underlying problem, such as cognitive decline, but it may also simply mean they need an extra hand with doing the laundry, showering and dressing.

If you notice any changes in elderly loved one’s behaviors, appearance or overall actions, including physical or emotional behavior, a significant loss of weight, or decline in the desire to interact socially, it’s important that you talk with your loved one as well as their medical provider. Talking with them will help you determine if they are simply struggling with completing their daily living skills or there is potentially a medical issue that should be addressed right away. If you and their doctor feel as though they are safe to be at home, it’s important to consider having home health caregivers come to your loved one’s home to assist with daily living skills.


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